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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Painting with Apples

For the summer I decided I wanted to keep Ares in review with his letters while having the girls' start recognizing the sound of letters so that maybe they'll talk more. Since Ares is away at his dad's this week for vacation he wasn't able to do our letter of the week, "A". This won't be a problem because Ares loves the letter "A" and actually has made up his own super hero called "Super A". His "Super A" even has a nemesis, "Super G".

My lesson plans for this week includes painting with apples. I cut an apple in half sideways so that the seeds made a star. I then inserted a child's fork into the apple so that way the girls would be able to use it like a stamp. Look how much fun they had!

Their Masterpieces!


1 comment:

  1. So fun!! I try to do paint like this with Emma, but she just wants to eat the paint. :0)
