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Friday, November 22, 2013


This week, it didn't really get cloudy until the end of the week, and now that it is cloudy, it is really cold!

Monday: Water activity day! The girls played with water, and got everything soaked. They had so much fun though, it made me so happy to see them happy.

Tuesday: For our science experiment of the week, we made a cloud. We got our instructions from this website, and it has a video to go with it too! It is super easy to do. All you have to do is pour boiling water in a jar, swish it around a bit, fill the lid with ice cubes, and place it on top of the jar. Then you spray an aerosol over the top of it, and watch your cloud emerge. Now please excuse the last picture. I tried to edit it so you could see the cloud the best, and I think I botched it a little bit. The curling out of the jar is the cloud, fyi.

Wednesday: For our art project this week I was going to have them glue cotton balls to paper to make a cloud. Sadly, I couldn't find my liquid glue, just my stick glue, and I didn't think that would work for this. So instead I had them paint with cotton swabs with white paint.

That night it was game night with Ares since the girls went to bed early. First we played Operation, and then we taught Ares how to play Monopoly. He loved it! Since we had to stop the game at bedtime we counted from there who won, and it was Ares. He was so proud of himself! I love this little boy!

Thursday: I got to watch little Miss Emma, and she did so well! I even got her to say, "Brigid baby" (that's what we call Brigid a lot). Next step, get her to say my name. I tried to get the girls to look at the sky when we got back from taking Ares to school, but they weren't very into it. However, it was a perfect example of a cloudy day.

For our sensory play, I had them play with moon sand. At first they did a great job with it, and kept it on the table... then it turned around, and long story short, I don't have anymore moon sand, and my floor got vacuumed. The girls had a blast though, and none of it was eaten! When you're dealing with 1 year olds that is a huge achievement.

Friday: We did Chinese for cloudy day.

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