For some reason, I switched out my SD card back and forth in my camera this summer. When I tried to access my pictures on another SD card, I found out the card was corrupted somehow, so now I cannot access those pictures. I do have the pictures from my other SD card, so I can at least post those.
July 1st was the 2nd most anticipated day for Ares! He had the pleasure of going to LEGO Day at a nearby park. He had so much fun!!! They built with Legos, played Lego games, and made their own Legos from cardboard. :)
Later on that morning, the girls and Parker helped me make and deliver cookies for the police men and firefighters.
That night, Ares asked me if he could make dinner. I figured since he is 8 years old he is old enough to make dinner with supervision, so I taught him how to make his favorite dinner, grilled cheese and salad. He insisted on wearing his chef hat and apron while he cooked too, it was too cute! He did a great job at making dinner for everyone!
It was sooo good that even Apollo approved, and he is a picky eater for me!
On Saturday, July 4th, we celebrated Independence Day! We went over to my Aunt Jenny's and set off fireworks with family members. The girls had so much fun! Please excuse their dirty faces, they were snacking and playing constantly!
Ares was with his Dad for the holiday, and we picked him up after 10pm. We let him set off a couple fireworks, but then it was time for baths and bed! I'm so grateful everyone was safe this holiday.
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