I'm going to start off with Saturday, May 23rd. We went to my step-sis, Hayley's graduation from college party out at the lake. Sadly it was absolutely pouring rain so we couldn't go out to play in the lake at all with the girls or play at the playground. They made a little friend there though, and had lots of fun playing with her. Then my Dad took them out to play in the rain and they got SOAKED! They had so much fun playing in the rain though, and kept trying to go back out there, but I was a mean Mom and wouldn't let them. I had the honor of being asked to make the rag banner, and it turned out cute if I do say so myself ;) The whole set up was very cute as well, everyone did a great job of putting it all together.
Then the graduation party turned into a.... wait for it..... engagement party!!! Hayley's boyfriend Tanner surprised her by proposing to her in front of all of her friends and family. It was so sweet! I am so happy for them! Tanner is a really great guy, and I'm so glad he'll be joining the family!
Sunday was a lazy day, and we went to my Mom's house for Ares to play with his best friend Aiden.
On Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day) we went to my Aunt Amy's house for my cousin David's first birthday party! It was soooo cute!!! The theme for the birthday was The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, and his cake was the caterpillar, and then the food they served was all the food he ate in the book. I didn't take any pics so I stole these from my aunt's pics that she took.
On Tuesday, May 26th, we went to Jumpy Jump Land with Aunt Jenny, Zach, Riley, and Lily for their open jump time. The kids jumped for so long, I'm surprised it didn't wear them out for a nap right then and there.
Afterwards we went to Grammy and Granddad's house for a little bit. We then went home, and the girls napped for a little bit, and Ares went to his piano lessons. After dinner, the kids and I then met up with my Dad, Shari, and Ashley at the YMCA to go swimming.
Wednesday, May 27th, Ares had his first day of camp with the Boy Scouts of America. He is not actually a boy scout, but he was able to go to camp through this special program that they do that lets inner city kids have a camp experience. Ares had such an amazing time! I'm so glad he was able to go.
After camp, we went to the library and signed up for their summer ready program. They changed up the program this year so it's a little different then what we're used too, but it looks like it will be a fun change.
Following the library, we went straight to the kids' award ceremony for gymnastics. They all got a chance to show us what their stuff, and they even got medals! Ares was first, and then Ceri and Brigid.
Brigid doesn't like to perform in front of people, and she got very upset during their little performance, and Kyle ended up going out there with her.
All 3 kiddos loved getting their medals though! They were so proud of themselves, and we were so proud of them!
Thursday, May 28th, Ares went to his second day of camp. From what I had heard from him when he came back from his Dad's on Saturday, he had a blast both Thursday and Friday. He told me really great things about his camp counselors as well. I'm so glad they have such great people working there so that the kids have an awesome camp experience.
The rest of the day is rather personal and I don't want to go into it, but the girls were able to play with their cousins all morning.
Friday, May 29th, was the day of my brother in law, Matty's birthday and his brother Andy's bbq. We met a lot of new people, and some that I had heard a lot about, but hadn't had the privilege of meeting yet. We had a lot of fun socializing, and the girls even got to play with someone's pet bird!
Saturday, May 30th, the girls and I went to Cheri's Bakery for their free cookie decorating. They were supposed to be decorating tropical fish. The girls decided they needed to eat the eye balls first and then they decorated their cookies.
They let the girls decorate a third cookie for their brother since he wasn't able to be there with him. They even made sure that it had blue on it, since that is his favorite color! They were such thoughtful sisters. :)
This is how cute they turned out!
After our cookie decorating, we went to my Dad's for lunch and to hang out until it was time to go Hayley's Premiere Jewelry Party.
After the jewelry party, we all went to pick up Ares from his Dad. We then went over to my Mom's house for dinner. Across the street from her house was a garage sale, and my Mom gave Ares a bunch of change to go next door to find some treasures at the sale. He found himself an angel, and then he bought his sisters some hats for them to use for dress up. Lindsey went with us too, and Ares dressed her up.
We then enjoyed Kyle's chicken and rice for dinner, and Ares then played with his friends.
We did a total of 5 things off of our Summer Fun List this week! I can't wait to see what this coming week will bring. :)
Looks like you had a fun and busy week!