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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Eve Part 1 (Dec. 24, 2013)

I don't normally have Ares for Christmas Eve, but this year my ex and I worked out a different arrangement. We had two Christmases on Christmas Eve. The first was with my Mom and sisters. Since Karen and her fiancé are in Germany, we used Skype so we could have them there with us. The kids opened their presents first. Ceri and Ares were all about the presents. Brigid, however, couldn't be bothered with it, and ended up only unwrapping a couple so we had to do the rest for her.

Karen and Thomas got the children these chocolate eggs that have toys in them. The kids loved them, and the chocolate was very delicious!

Ares also got a dinosaur excavating kit, and the girls each got their own dirndls. They looked absolutely precious in them! I will need to get Ares a pair of lederhosen soon so I can get a group picture of all of them.

The rest of us opened our presents next. For my Mom we had picked out a new sweater and some jewelry that she loved. It looked really beautiful on her too.

Lindsey received an angora panda sweater from Karen.

Karen got the game Gloom from Kyle and I.

Kyle and I loved our presents too! They were absolutely wonderful! It was a quaint little Christmas, and we all enjoyed it very much. My kids got bored while waiting for us to open our gifts so they dug into their presents. Ares couldn't wait to open up his Star Wars ship and Star Wars Angry Birds Jenga game.

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