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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to School Slumber Party

I had promised a few of Ares (and my) cousins that this summer they could have a sleep over at my house before school starts. Well the summer just kept getting busier and busier, until I finally realized that school was going to start within the next couple weeks. So I invited some of the cousins for a sleepover for the weekend before school started. I googled some ideas, and found a couple really cute ideas. My ideas, plus some creative ideas from Party Pinching, resulted in this little set up:

The tablecloth was just a cheap plastic one I got for $1 at Walmart. I got the two white square plates, pencil holders, red basket, red sandwich holder (for the crayons), and the composition notebook all at the Dollar Tree. I had the wood crate from Ares' party this summer, and the mason jars from the girls' party.

For the edible pencils I used cheese for the body, Bugles for the top with raisins for the tip, and then I cut up bologna for the erasers. I think they turned out super cute!

To make the edible crayons I cut Pepperidge Farm pirouette cookies in half, used a chocolate chip for the tip, and then wrapped them in Fruit Roll Ups. I then colored the lines with a black edible marker.
(Did anyone notice that on the bottom of the box I used for this I added crayon scrapbook paper? Super cute isn't it!)

I then made chocolate covered pretzels with red candy melts that I got from Michael's, and used green apple Twizzlers for the stems. Now you can tell that melted chocolate and I don't get along, not just from these pretzels, but also from the sad looking cake pops I tried to make for Ares' party. I will figure it out someday I promise myself I will! They turned out looking like apples so my end goal was reached.

Now these beautiful mason jars were all my idea! I bought the Disney chalkboard paint at Walmart because it had good reviews, but in all honesty I wasn't too impressed... then again it was the first time I had ever used chalkboard paint so maybe it was me who screwed it up. Any who, I painted a strip of chalkboard paint all the way around the mason jars, and let them dry overnight before I wrote their names on it. My first attempt at using my chalk markers resulted in me scraping off  the painted area with marker so I had to repaint that. I thought maybe I needed a second coat of paint so I did that with all of them and let them dry the rest of the day. I then was able to write the kids' names with almost no problems. I then wrapped twine around the tops of them. These cups were so much easier to keep track of for the kids, I'm really glad I thought of this!

I also made the kids treat bags using brown lunch sacks. I had bought a package of 64 crayons at the Dollar Tree so I divided them up, and wrapped them in little bags, and put some them in their treat bags as well as glue sticks, and of course, candy.

While the kids were downstairs playing I had them come up one at a time to do tie dye. Even Kyle and I dyed a couple of our shirts.

Of course I had the children wear gloves, but I didn't. Here's the dye job I did to my hands. Ain't it purty?!

After this, I then had them make pencil vases for their teachers. Since Johnny and Lily have the same teacher this year, I had Lily make a crayon jar instead. Here's how they turned out.

Then it was time for movie and popcorn! The first movie they watched was Sky High, but they didn't like it so we ended up turning on the BBC version of The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe. They finally all fell asleep after midnight, then woke me up at 7 in the morning.

After they were all up, and fed breakfast I washed their tie dye shirts. This is how they all turned out.

Of course we also had to have a funny picture too!
All the kids had so much fun, and it was a perfect way to end the summer before heading back to the classroom! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for inviting Lily! She had a great time!!
